Tips for Overcoming Pain When Menstruation

The pain is caused by contractions of the uterus or uterine muscle ischemia and the release of the uterine wall due to increased prostaglandin. In addition, menstrual pain also due to hormonal factors, psychological, and even excessive anxiety. Here are some tips that can help you to cope with the pain.

1. Compressed part of the perceived pain using a bottle of water dengati hangar.

2. Wipe-Gently rub the abdomen or waist.

3. Drink warm beverages that contain high calcium.

4. Inhale deeply for relaxation slowly.

5. Take a position so that the uterus depends tung menungging down. It can help relaxation.

6. If you choose to use drugs as neutralizing the pain, then use the drug with a doctor's supervision. It may take analgesics (pain relievers) are sold in drug stores, provided the dose is not more than 3 times a day.

7. Hangar water bath, may also use aroma therapy to calm down.

8. Heat is an old herb that's worth a try. Use a heating (heating pad), compress towel, or hot water bottle, in the abdomen and lower back, and drink warm drinks. Warm bath also can help relieve pain.

9. Sleep enough and regular exercise (including many roads). Some women may reduce pain through exercise. In addition to reducing stress, exercise can also increase production of brain endorphins, a natural painkiller in the body. There are no restrictions on sporting activities during menstruation.

10. In the case of a very rare and extreme, sometimes required excision of the nerves of the uterus.

11. An alter native therapies, namely visualization sasi, tu can help reduce menstrual pain.

12. In addition, aroma therapy and massage can also reduce the taste did not cozy. A light massage and a circle by using the index finger on the lower abdomen will help reduce menstrual pain. Listening to music, reading books or watching movies can also help those of you who have pain during menstruation.

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Tips for Safe and Easy Bathing Baby

These tips are intended for young mothers who just had her first child birth, so not so good at caring for babies. There are two ways to bathe the baby that you can do, that is by wiping and bathing in a plastic tub to bathe the baby. 

1. Wiping the baby's body 
When wiping the baby's body, who first must do is to lay the baby on top of cloth towels. Then, using a wash cloth towel that has been soaked in warm water, wipe the baby's body. To the rear, you can start from the side alternately by lifting the baby's body slowly. 

2. Bathing Baby 
To bathe the baby in the bed of a small bucket special baby, must be done by way of caution. When the baby was aged less than one month, preferably before inserting it in a bucket, baby wipe first like in the first step. After that, just put in a bucket to rinse briefly. 

What is important to note that while bathing the baby is when washing hair. A young mother needs to understand how to wash baby's hair is right, if not, the baby's eyes can take in the foam so poignant. Or, could the baby's head injuries because the wall bucket. How to wash baby's hair is true is by first holding the baby's head tightly. keep the soap or shampoo does not get into eyes. Select a special baby shampoo that gently and not cause pain in the eye. To remove the crust on baby's scalp, rub baby's scalp with cotton that has been diberibaby oil until the crust is pressed to be separated..

Beware of yoga breathing, because in this case involve some aspects of holding his breath. However, without proper training and supervision, can cause side effects that are less good.

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Simple Technique To Improve Brain Function

The function of the brain is directly related to something that is fundamental to life as breathing. Did you know that your brain is only 1% to 3% of your body weight, but it takes 20% of all oxygen you breathe.

Doctors and paramedics are always worried about the loss of oxygen supply to the brain for their patients. If the brain loses oxygen supply within 10 minutes, a fairly large nerve damage can occur. Of course, the cold temperature can prolong this period and there are several examples of people drowning in cold water that survived without brain damage even after 40 minutes.

Oxygen affects not only your body but also your brain function. 
Each cell in the body requires sufficient oxygen to function properly. The brain is packed with 100 billion neurons, and oxygen is very important for every human being. If oxygen is very important for our welfare, why we do not give proper attention? Most people breathe auto-pilot. So our first priority is to ensure that our bodies and brains to get a lot of oxygen.

Simple pointers for improving brain function through efficient breathing.
The first step is to ensure that you take the troops abundant oxygen.
Here are some sensible action we can take to ensure our body and brain in good condition.

1. Inhale deeply. Breathe slowly, breathe in oxygen / air is automatically slower than throw it away. Gradually, create a rhythm of breathing in and out on the speed you feel comfortable.

2. Eliminate all distractions like phone, tv or the internet and focus your attention on breathing.

3. Give comfort and when you will do this penegtesan. Her back and shoulders straight fit your comfort.

4. Make sure the environment around you is completely free from toxic chemicals such as cleaners, smoke or incense.

5. Avoid heavily wooded areas at night when you breathe. Why is that? Plants breathe in oxygen at night and provide carbon-dioxide. At night, when you breathe deeply in an area that involves the dense foliage of plants, you inhale more carbon dioxide than oxygen.

6. While breathing in, use your nose instead of your mouth. Nasal respiratory function and receive special for odor

Your brain function will automatically attract oxygen. The body can absorb and utilize supplemental oxygen.

Simple steps can facilitate the process of absorption of oxygen is breathed deeply and slowly. This will give your lungs waku needed to absorb oxygen from the air when you inhale. By giving the resistance a greater absorption of oxygen.

Beware of yoga breathing, because in this case involve some aspects of holding his breath. However, without proper training and supervision, can cause side effects that are less good.

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Simple Ways to Obtain Beautiful Skin

Cucumber have in common such as pumpkins, melons and other types of thick-skinned and juicy fruit. Cucumbers originated in Southeast Asia where it grows wild, especially India, and he grew bervarietas genetic.

There are records of cucumber cultivation in various parts of the world for centuries.Earlier this vegetarian tourists spread throughout Asia, Europe and Africa and then to America. Currently, humans become aware of the health benefits of cucumber. This is especially popular among the ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian civilizations because the fruit is soothing and refreshing properties.

Cucumber have dark green skin though it may vary in color from pale yellow to white with greenish flesh.

Eye swelling: a high water content in chilled cucumber makes our skin. This helps reduce swelling and swelling in the same way as a cold compress.

Burns: In the case of sun burns. Topical application of cucumber cool and calm effect.This required repeated use which will help to heal the lesions for this purpose. Usually more effective cold cucumber slices.

Hair Loss: Silicon and sulfur present in the cucumber is known to stop hair loss. It also encourages new hair growth when taken orally for a long time.

Cucumber is a great way to hydrate skin naturally, both internally and externally. In addition, cucumber skin hydration also gave glowing through silica and ascorbic acid is an important constituent of cucumber.

Silica helps to maintain skin tone by strengthening connective tissue. It also gives your skin glowing with young skin.

For hair, good for hair elasticity, shine and elasticity.

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C other than essential elements, known for anti-aging and make skin white. So using your cucumbers will be healthier, younger looking skin with skin bright and shiny beautiful hair.

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Ischemic Heart Disease Prevention

Ischemic heart disease occurs when there is partial blockage of blood flow to the heart. If blood flow is completely blocked the myocardial infarction (heart attack) occurs.

This problem can affect the buildup of plaque in our arteries. This is called arteriosclerosis, which is hardening of the arteries. This can cause blood clots that can cause heart attack or stroke. Hardening of the arteries and blockage of major arteries is one of the main causes of death. Even in his own heart disease kills more people each year.

The degree to which ischemic heart disease affects each individual depends on various factors including age, genetics, diet and exercise habits, and smoking.
For many people who are at high risk is important to make certain lifestyle changes that will reduce this risk.

Because medical science and doctors find the cause of ischemic heart disease they also know the steps to be taken to prevent or reverse its effects. And steps that can be done to avoid the effect is actually quite simple. Eat healthy foods and avoid foods high in saturated fat, exercise more regularly to strengthen the cardiovascular system, stop drinking alcohol, and quitting smoking. By making the kind of simple lifestyle changes you can avoid and prevent this disease.

Saturated fat is one of the main causes plaque build up in arteries. By avoiding fatty foods that contain fat type you can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. Even if you eat more fish high in omega-3 fatty acids you can significantly reduce plaque build. Omega 3 helps build good HDL cholesterol that helps remove bad cholesterol (LDL).

Exercise significantly reduces the risk of heart disease iskemikdengan effectively help the body eliminate excess body fat and reduce the risks posed by obesity.
Only a few changes to combat and prevent ischemic heart disease.

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Strawberries Has Potential to Prevent Cancer

To protect the body from cancer dangers we need is food that contain antioxidants, free radical fighter. Strawberries are one fruit that has the potential to fight cancer. 

After drinking at a strawberry fruit extracts, will make the person avoid esophageal cancer, this opinion is a result of research conducted in China. 

Tong Chen, a cancer researcher from Ohio State Comperhensive Cancer Center, began interested to investigate the efficacy of strawberries for humans after research in the laboratory to the animal experiments show that feels fresh fruit and these acids have more of an anti-cancer benefits. 

In research funded by the California Strawberry Commission, he was observing health thirty-six people who berasalah from 3 provinces in China which is well known as a region with the highest esophageal cancer cases in the world. 

Chen then gave a dried strawberry powder to be mixed directly into drinking water.One important way to maintain existing content in the fruit is to freeze drying. While research in the lab, Chen wore black raspberries, but because the fruit does not exist in China and then he replaced it with strawberries. 

In many cases of cancer, which develops from pre-cancerous lesions is esophageal cancer, ranging from the mild to the most severe stage. Of the thirty-six participants who ate strawberry powder for six months, twenty Sembilang people recovered from the disease, for example, from medium to light. 

"The results of this study are very encouraging because strawberries histologically proven to reduce the level of pre-cancerous lesions and reduce cell division of cancer cells and inflammation," said Chen. 

Although it looks very helpful against cancer Chen was in no hurry to recommend strawberries. Larger studies are necessary, more rigorous, and involve varying the number of people to find out if the strawberries are actually very good for preventing cancer / placebo. 

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Problems With Sex Education

Sex education or sexuality education is the process of acquiring information and forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, sexual identity, relationships and intimacy. It is also a term used to describe education about human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual relationships, reproductive health, emotional relationships and other aspects of human sexual behavior. This is very important for the general public, that young people have the right to be educated about sex. This is because they may be exposed to different attitudes and beliefs in relation to sex and sexuality. And on the other hand, some health messages are always delivered on the impact hammer of sex, such as contracting sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancy, venereal disease, etc.. Sex education can add to existing knowledge and correct any misinformation they have. 

Every person get information about sex from a different source. 
This could be through the media, from friends, parents, schools and health institutions. This has formed part of the curriculum in schools around the world. It is said to be formal or informal, depending on the source. When the source comes from parents, friends, religious leaders, from casual conversations with friends, or through the media, is said to be informal. When offered by a school or health care provider is referred to as formal. 

Sex Education Objectives 

The basic purpose of sex education is to reduce the risk of negative outcome of risky sexual behavior. 
This is the way in which the youth learn and adopt the right attitude towards sex. It aims to inform the public about the dangers of risky sexual behaviors that can lead to unwanted teenage pregnancies, contraction of sexually transmitted infections like HIV. It helps the youth to have a positive mindset about sex and their sexuality. It also empowers the youth against sexual abuse. 

When is Sex Education To Do? 

Although it is generally accepted that young people have the right to learn about sex, it remains a controversial issue in some countries with particular regard to the age at which children should start receiving such education. 
At what age children will be able to understand the concepts taught in sex education? Or it should be taught to children so that they can use that information later on when they really may need it? When taught at an early age whether it encouraged young people to have sex? People sometimes worry that provide information about sex and sexuality arouse curiosity and can lead to sexual experimentation. In contrast, studies have shown that sexuality education does not increase sexual activity. It either reduces sexual activity, or even they will think more of the importance of using condoms. therefore important in learning science for young children before the age of puberty, and into the top before they formed their behavior patterns. The right age should depend on their physical, emotional and intellectual of young children. 

Sex Education Curriculum 

The problem limits the information that needs to be given to young children is still very controversial. 
Different people communicate, certainly have their opinions and beliefs about sex, and this usually affects their willingness to receive sex education on the basis of the fact that what is taught may contradict their moral tendency. For example, the Roman Catholic Church strongly opposes the use of any form of artificial contraception. On the subject of sex education, Pope John Paul II in his book entitled Familiaris Consortio Apostolic recommendation, the parents were ordered "to give their children the education that clearly and slowly to deliver" and that "if the ideology contrary to the Christian faith taught in school, the family must join with other family members in helping the children to have poor adherence to the faith. " 
In India, efforts by the state government to introduce sex education as part of the compulsory school curriculum. Pros and cons also arise due to harsh criticism by people who claim it is against Indian culture and will mislead the children. In England and Wales, are not mandatory in the school as parents can refuse to let their children take part in the lesson. In some countries, parents must give their consent before their children can attend these classes. These variations in different regions are believed to have arisen because of controversy over sex education curriculum. 
Various topics are usually on the lessons in sex education depending on local laws.Some of them: 
1. Reproductive system of male and female 
2. Menstruation 
3. Physical and emotional changes adolescents 
4. Gestation 
5. Contraception 
6. Growth Process 
7. The danger of sexual violence 
8. Homosexuality 
9. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) 
10. Masturbation 
11. Safe sex / condom use 
12. Sexual Harassment 
13. Sex positions 
14. teen pregnancy 
Some people feel that sex education curriculum damage pre-existing idea of ​​modesty and encourage acceptance of practices that are immoral. Many religions teach that sex outside marriage is immoral For this reason, homosexual, bisexual, transgender youth, and people with sexual orientation or other practices that are considered immoral often ignored in sex education classes. In fact there is a lack of discussion about safe sex practices for manual, oral and anal sex-related risk. Such practices become more rampant among the youth and many of them false believe that they are free of risk. The people providing sex education have their own attitudes and beliefs about sex and sexuality but it is important that they do not let these negative influences of sex education they provide. 

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Benefit of Green Tea

Contained a lot of green tea polyphenols and powerful antioxidants. Green tea is beneficial to smooth the cardiovascular system also prevent various cancers and Alzheimer's disease. The risk of pneumonia 47% lower risk of cancer of the blood & lower 42% owned by lovers of green tea. 

Drinking green tea can lower stress 

Green tea has other advantages that are very healthy, that can avoid stress. 
A study has been tested through a survey to about 42 thousand Japanese people aged over 40 years. After studying the questionnaire about the drinks they had drank & had perceived levels of stress (2700 survey participants were patients with stress), if consumed 5 cups of green tea every day from 20% lower stress, were found by researchers. Overall, if we want to reduce stress, perbanyaklah drinking green tea.Another discovery shows that green tea drinkers, consuming four or more cups daily, has a moderate risk of depression, 44% lower. 

Previous findings made by Unilever and the discovery of this time will greatly strengthen, which mentions green tea has a L-theanine has a relaxed side effects on the brain. 
Alpha brain waves are stimulated by consuming 50 mg L-theanine (equivalent to 2 or 3 cups of tea). With increasing frequency of alpha brain waves, the frequency of beta waves related to the tension experienced a decline. 

Tips drinking green tea 
- Let the soluble green tea for ten minutes. 
- Green tea has less theine (similar to caffeine that is in the coffee). If you want to reduce the levels, dip the green tea into a little hot water for 1 minute, then discard the water. 
Next dip into the water in a cup that want you to enjoy. 
- Do not dicampukan with milk. The effect can be neutralized by milk. 
- Avoid drinking green tea after every meal, since iron absorption in the intestine can be reduced by green tea. 

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Benefit of Banana

Bananas contain three natural sugars, which we know as fructose, glucose, and sucrose. 

Below are some benefits of eating a banana for your health: 

Bananas contain high potassium and low in sodium, it makes a perfect natural defense for high blood pressure. In fact, the USDA recently allowed the banana industry to make claims of the fruit's ability to prevent high blood pressure and even stroke symptoms. 

There are several research-based education that shows eating a banana before school, during lunch, recess, and at lunch, can improve brain performance overall by the good results. 

You may not know, bananas are rich in fiber which can be beneficial colon cleansing.It helps restore regular bowel movements, and is an alternative, safe natural laxatives.

Many studies and research have proven that eating bananas can cause excitement when depressed, because of the fact that they contain tryptophan, which is a type of protein that is converted in the body to serotonin. Serotonin helps you relax, makes you feel happy, and generally improve your mood. 

Because they have a natural antacid effect in the body, bananas help to get rid of and burn. So be sure to choose a banana for dessert to keep your stomach is not distended. 

Bananas contain vitamin B6 which helps regulate blood sugar levels, and can have a positive effect on your mood. 

Bananas have been appointed to assist the smoking habit, because it contains vitamins B12 and B6 together with potassium and magnesium, helps in restoring lung function from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

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Benefits of Honey

Honey is the intake that can be consumed by children to adults including the fetus was still inside his mother's womb.

Here are the benefits of honey:

1. Fetus: The fetus is still in the womb is not the same in every person, there is strongthere is a weak, to help strengthen the fetus in the womb is one of them is to eathoney.

2. Pregnant Woman: Honey helps maintain stamina and infant health during pregnancy, and help high nutrient intake for healthy fetal growth during the womb.

3. Babies: Helping a baby's brain development, because every day the braincontinues to develop until the age of 5 years. For that he needed a high nutrition.Brain growth and development are closely linked to the intelligence of the mind (IQ)and mental intelligence (EQ​​). It can be seen today various additional food productseither milk or formulated infant porridge with honey. For that why do not we just givethe best fruit of our heart, namely honey.

4. Children: help for increased appetite (the existence of a complete element of B vitamins in honey), so that children grow up healthy, lively and cheerful and disease resistance.

5. Adolescents: Efficacy of honey on baligh puberty teens make grow very fast, good nutrition and regular will make a perfect body growth.

6. Adults: stress is a condition experienced by many hardworking result of hard workand lack of nutritious food intake, which in turn can lead to various diseases such asthypus, inflammation and other bacterial infections. Honey is the best solution for hard workers.

7. Elderly: for we are already at the age of information, we realized that our organsare not as young. So it is very important in helping the stability or condition of our body is to eat honey

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