Food and Cake for Diabetes Patients

Food for people with diabetes need to be noticed, because it can help keep blood glucose levels more balanced. The only way to determine the effect of food on the body with diabetes is to test blood sugar before eating and within a period of about 2 hours later. The increase in glucose should be 50 points or less - use this as a guide.Snack bar for diabetics as Glucerna or Expand been many who sell in the market.They contain different starch that can help to reduce blood sugar fluctuations.

This starch, contain sugar alcohol that is used to help the patient with diabetes. Sugar alcohols are carbohydrates which have less of an impact on blood sugar levels of diabetics, so people still have to consider portion konsumsinya.Beberapa people with diabetes usually need a snack at night so they wake up with a healthy blood sugar and fasting obligatory for breakfast . While you will sleep tension lower blood sugar about 80 mg / dL, and wake up with tension 160 mg / dL. You may experience Somogyi Effect. This means, that night of blood sugar levels are left out the extra glucose into the bloodstream to protect you from falling to dangerous levels.Therefore, by eating a snack bar with diabetes will release glucose more slowly into the bloodstream for several hours and can reduce the chances of this happening.

There are many products that were created for the people with diabetes. By reading food labels and see the "total carbohydrate", you will see the number of grams which will turn into sugar. "Sugar" listed under the heading "total carbohydrate" reveals, the sugar is processed from natural fruit or milk sugar. Sugar alcohol will not be registered under the label of a mixture of ingredients. It is not considered to be sugar, it is considered carbohydrates. Carbohydrates turn into sugar 100% in about 1-2 hours. Sugar alcohols also turn into sugar more slowly, but he did it for diabetics.Another popular product in the market "Sugar free" is a sugar-free cookies.

Sugar-free cookies better and safer than regular cookies. Please note, if you eat regular cookies, then the calculation twice as much weight gain from consuming more calories and will have more effect on your blood glucose levels.

Sugar-free only means no sugar mixture of pure / natural products. This does not mean that it has zero carbs. These sugar cookies are removed from and replaced by sugar alcohol, but the remaining carbohydrates, starches, still will turn into sugar. Once again, test your blood sugar to see the effect on your body.

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